Events for September - December 2018
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Events for September - December 2018

For more information on each session, or to register, click on the links below.


WestGrid’s bi-weekly training webinars take place every second Wednesday at 10am Pacific / 11am Mountain / 12pm Central. Note two off-cycle special dates (Sep-20 and mid-November).

DATE                     TOPICSpeaker                           
Sep-19How to submit and run jobs on Compute Canada HPC systemsAlex Razoumov
Sep-20 (special time)Arbutus Upgrade: What you need to knowRyan Enge and Venkat Mahadevan
Oct-03Common job submission errors and how to avoid themKamil Marcinkowski
Oct-17Tools for automating analysis pipelinesJamie Rosner
Oct-31Data Analytics and Machine Learning with MATLABSumit Tandon (MathWorks)
Nov-14How HPC helped researchers simulate the life of a starFalk Herwig (UVic)
Nov-21 (alternate week)Using yt for analysis and visualization of volumetric dataAlex Razoumov
Nov-28Getting started on the cloud (humanities/social sci. Part 1)John Simpson
Dec-12How to deploy HTTP and HTTPS sites on a virtual machine (humanities/social sciences Part 2)John Simpson

In-person workshops

DATE                     EventLocation
Sep-24 to 28Research Computing Fall BootcampUofA
Sep-25Introduction to PythonSFU’s Big Data Hub
Oct-23A taste of parallel programming with ChapelSFU, Bennett Library, Rm 7010, Research Commons
Nov-02, 3pm-5pmIntroductory Research Computing WorkshopUniversity of Manitoba, Department of Biochemistry and Medical Genetics, Basic Medical Science Building, Room 341

As always, we welcome requests for other training topics and events. Please email suggestions to