WestDRI Training Materials


We offer in-person and online training sessions on topics such as getting started with clusters, programming languages, specialized software, research data management, and data visualization tools. Contact us at `training at westdri dot ca` to request a session at your university or to suggest a topic for an online webinar.

Within these pages we have compiled past training materials from our online training webinars, in-person workshops, and multi-day Summer School events. Topics range from basic concepts in programming to discipline-specific tools for research.

Our goal in sharing these materials is to help you build your skills in using various advanced research computing tools to support your research, no matter what your skill level or discipline may be.

This repository will be continually updated as we deliver sessions on new topics or revise materials on past topics.

If there are topics or materials that you would like to see us add, please contact training at westdri dot ca.